Estrategia de innovación de VentilAQUA

July 20, 2021
Publicado en Noticias
July 20, 2021 admin

Through its leitmotivKnowledge to protect your Future”, VentilAQUA nourishes the ambition to contribute to preserving a Common Wealth, The Environment, with special emphasis on a valuable asset – Water – developing innovative solutions which will promote treatment and reuse of this natural resource, allowing for its appreciation.

VentilAQUA stands as an innovative and distinctive company within the industrial wastewater treatment world. That distinction converts into a permanent Innovation policy, naturally supported by all the company’s staff, shareholders and workers.

Continuous investment in Innovation, Research & Development actions promotes the development and integration of a Culture of Innovation inside the company and opens innovation with partners from the world scientific network and institutions, creating synergies between internal and external ideas for innovative technical added value.

We can then establish VentilAQUA’s Innovation Strategy based on the following pillars:

  • Monitoring of technological evolution in various areas, new technological trends, and its innovative applications;
  • Approaching global market, without sectors or regions distinction, promoting circular economy into the new solutions;
  • Focus on high tech and added-value solutions, for customers and the business, allowing for distinction in the market and supporting the sustainability of those solutions;
  • Supporting in growing and keeping a highly qualified team, stable, motivated, and totally focused on the company’s strategy and in technological development;

These foundations are the starting grid to reach the following objectives:

  • Answer to growing and more complex challenges, guarantee total Compliance of processes, associated with Water resource appreciation;
  • Focus on unique, different, and own technical solutions, based in Advanced Oxidation Processes and/or other innovative processes or applied in an innovative manner;
  • Being in the front line of electrochemical AOPs, namely in industrial applications;
  • Development of equipment and solutions with high-performance ozonolysis processes;
  • Keeping an innovative culture and a work environment based on working happiness;

Following and feeding this strategy and stimulating a continuous innovative spirit are fundamental foundations for VentilAQUA’s Board, who will always behave as the main motivator and driver, building a Culture focused on technical leadership within the Water sector.

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