The world is experiencing unprecedented events. The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus is a reality that is severely affecting all organizations worldwide. VentilAQUA is no exception.
To prevent the risk of contagion, we are taking internal and external measures with our employees, partners, and customers. Although these measures do not guarantee anything, we feel that we must share with you our challenge in fighting this scourge.
1- Part of our staff is working from home. In the company, in areas where it is not possible, there is a turnover between personnel that will be present physically on the premises;
2- All and any travel by VentilAQUA employees, for work or leisure, out of the country or islands (Azores and Madeira), by any means of transport, is suspended;
3- We are supplying, within the scope of market availability, bottles of alcohol gel and protective masks to our employees. Its use is mandatory, and serves to prevent the risk of contagion within our internal environment;
4- Physical contact is avoided as much as possible. Greetings between employees or personnel outside the company are prohibited. The minimum safety distance of 1 meter between all must always prevail. Meals should be taken alone. Contact with more than one person at a time is not allowed;
5- All on-site assistance and travel to customers are suspended. The contact is made by telephone or video conference.
6- External suppliers and visitors are not allowed to get inside the company facilities. All activities and contacts required are carried out ensuring a minimum safety distance.
We can “control” what goes on within our organization, but we know that there is mandatory care to be taken in our homes. These measures will be of no use if PEOPLE don’t comply with the precautions recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), which we share below in 7 simple steps:
- Wash your hands frequently
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose
- Cover your cough with the bend of your elbow or tissue
- Avoid crowded places
- Stay at home if you feel unwell – even with a slight fever and cough
- If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early – but call by phone first
- Stay aware of the latest information from WHO
It sounds simple, doesn’t it?
This is a Herculean effort – ours, yours, of everyone. Together we will do everything to quickly return to normal. We will come back stronger, more focused, but above all with health.
Together, we protect our future!
Fernando Campani
Prezados amigos da VENTILAQUA, parabéns pela iniciativa e pelos valores humanitários presente nestas ações. Enviamos o nosso abraço fraterno a todos amigos da VENTILAQUA. Aqui no Rio Grande do Sul-Brasil sempre haverá uma casa , um chimarrão e uma boa acolhida para todos amigos da VENTILAQUA. Por hora, queremos distanciamento sem perder o nosso carinho fraterno por todos aí. Abração!! Tudo vai passar.