World Water Day has more meaning than ever. More than 20 years ago, when VentilAQUA started its activity, the focus, attention, and implementation strategy in the market focused on offering solutions for the treatment and reuse of industrial wastewater. 20 years after, we still Value Water.
The company could assert itself as an innovator in its market and capable of offering differentiated solutions that would make a difference in the market. At the time, the industry’s concern was not yet the reuse and rational use of water but rather compliance with local legislation regarding the discharge of its effluents. After more than twenty years, the world has changed, the industry, in general, is already looking for solutions for rational use and reuse of treated effluents.
VentilAQUA has, therefore, a privileged position, from the point of view of Knowledge and technical experience, resulting from 20 years of experience in hundreds of industrial WWTPs, with its own and unique technologies. Technologies that allow extracting from the effluents many compounds and molecules that allow the safe reuse of these waters. Without this, the search for a more sustainable world would be much more difficult.
We can say that today we have the necessary tools to look at Water with the certainty that we can preserve it, that we can consume it without prejudice to the world around us. VentilAQUA feels rewarded too because working for A Better World has always been its mission and utopia.
Today, we celebrate World Water Day with the feeling of accomplishment.
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