How to Control your WWTP Remotely
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges and new ways of working to companies. Remote work is a reality of our day and is here to stay. At VentilAQUA, we feel that remote control of operations is not just a necessity, but a requirement that allows management 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Having permanent access to control your WWTP operations represents a short and long-term efficiency gain for companies. To enjoy all the features just: have a registered Weintek console; have an internet connection. In this article, we show you the 9 main reasons to control your WWTP remotely.
Access through free software
This application has no additional charge. You do not have to pay to install the application, nor do you have any associated monthly fees. Everything is included in the sales process.
Access on any device
This system can be installed on any device. It is available for PC in various resolutions, smartphones, and tablets (except iOS).
Access anywhere in the world
Even in adverse conditions, access is guaranteed as long as there is an Internet connection, either by Wifi or by Hotspot.
Receive “push messages”
Setting alerts is one of the main advantages to control your WWTP remotely. All alarms that originate at the WWTP are sent to the mobile phone with the installation applied. As long as the mobile phone has internet, the user receives the installation alarm alert in real-time. This allows the problem to be resolved as quickly as possible.
Generate reports
It is possible to generate information through a data query. Operating statistics are always available, including “datalog” with all parameters measured and recorded
Access incident history
All parameters are recorded and it is allowed to consult the history at any time and evaluate performance levels.
View the status of the WWTP in real-time
Even without any alert, it is possible to view in real-time, globally, the entire operation of the WWTP. The equipment, when in operation, is marked in green. It is also possible to check the readings of the various tank level meters, pH values, flow, etc.
Intervene quickly and effectively
Without significant losses that represent costs for the company, it is possible to intervene quickly in the replacement of products, in the detection of changes that need to be corrected, or in the management of alarms. There is an interaction with the customer’s maintenance team, in the immediate response to possible alarms that trigger a quick intervention.
Access security
This connection is secure as it is based on a dedicated VPN. It is not subject to malware or other attacks that jeopardize data privacy. VentilAQUA has the Weintek guarantee seal.
How are we using it today
VentilAQUA introduced this innovation process to its customers’ WWTPs for many years. Since April 2017, all consoles installed already have this remote control system with Internet access, allowing registration on the Weintek platform.
In cases where the console is not prepared for this purpose, it must be replaced by a model compatible with this connection. In cases where there are a PLC and a console from another brand, whose PLC can be adapted to a Weintek console, it can also be operated with remote access.
In addition to the attributes and characteristics of this remote system, VentilAQUA provides a monitoring service to the contracting company. This service is monitored by the WWTP’s performance. In this collaboration, all alerts and the way of working are defined by both parties. As always, our goal is to protect your future, through Knowledge.
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