What do they do?
A major South American shopping mall, with dozens of restaurants in the food court and thousands of daily meals to prepare and serve, was facing the more and more compliance problems with local authorities, especially regarding COD and O&G limits. Besides, this shopping center was also struggling with bad odors coming from grease traps in the parking lot.
What are they trying to achieve?
Replacing standard and also sophisticated (with limited performance) grease traps by chemical treatment units, with flotation devices (DAF). This change intends to give a proper chemical treatment to shopping malls waste water treatment, removing all solids, fats, and greases, avoiding bad odors, and reducing drastically its organic loads. At the end of the day, these wastewaters are to be prepared for a final disinfection and filtration, which will allow them to be reintroduced into an internal feed line to flush waters and irrigation.
Using electrochemical technology in wastewater plants to reduce water consumption
Under one year’s payback time, the shopping mall observed a great reduction in water consumption. Around 90% of food court wastewaters were being recovered into flushing toilets, thus reducing dramatically water consumption in toilet rooms. Moreover, there was an elimination of complex removal and trucking of liquid wastes and greases, which were always highly loaded, and carried an extremely high cost.
Data Results
Electrochemical technology in wastewater treatment translated in numbers